Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Yikes, Another year!

Well, it's been over a year since I blogged and I feel....okay with that!  I'm attaching our Chirstmas Letter to catch up on this past year.  WOW!  A lot has happened!
Check it out...
Merry Christmas from the Reynolds

Jambo was the Swahili word we said most often while on our mission trip to the Masai Mara in Kenya, Africa this summer.  Our team, of 14 people, went to Kenya with the purpose of building the first classroom of a high school.  We learned that there was not another high school within 30 miles.  Education is so important!  This is important especially in Africa where these young masaai women are married off at an early age if they are not in school.  We worked with some amazing African men while there and were so blessed, upon the completion of the school, to pray in our own native tongues to our Lord, Jesus Christ.  It was such a beautiful reminder that God is present and working in the lives of ALL his children all over the world.  The school was constructed of mortar & brick.  We soon learned that we were shoddy masons, at best.  Steve, our foreman taught us the word “Haraka” meaning Hurry or Quickly!  Apparently, we were not the fastest “mzungus” or white people they’d ever worked with.  A special blessing for us was having Ernie’s dad, Ernie I, as we called him, join us on the trip!  Frisky cheetahs, pesky warthogs, roaring lions, relaxed rhinos, graceful giraffes, angry hippos and a lovely leopard, were some of the beautiful animals we saw.  We were truly blessed to work with Africa Mission Services and all of our friends in Kenya to do the Lord’s work. 

If you’d like to see videos of our trip please see our blog at africanadventuremasaimara.wordpress.com

‘Twas the night before Christmas for Canines and Winged things

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house the dogs were asleep, all ’round the house.  Visions of rawhides danced in their heads.

Stallion, Suzy and PJ’s stockings hung on the chimney with care, in the hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear?  But Ernie half-asleep interrupting Santa’s reindeer!  As he lumbered to sleep, what should he hear?  The birds squawking with all their might, “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

Ernie announces move to Maui
Okay, now we’ve got your attention!  A year ago we spent Christmas on Kā’anapali beach in Maui with Abbey’s Dad, Mom & brothers. (Her Uncle, Aunt & cousin live on the island as well!)  Ernie then announced “We’re moving to Maui!”  He would love to spend every day, especially in the winter, in Maui.  But, as of today we are not living there...yet!  We did have a wonderful time snorkeling everyday (seeing lots of cool fish & sea turtles), swimming, floating in the ocean, & watching whales play in the water.  Ernie, also went deep sea fishing for the first, and maybe, last time.  We loved all the sunshine, relaxing, yummy food and being with family.

Softball champ rules the roost

Everyone knows that there are two seasons each year; bowling and softball seasons.  This year, Team Plumbco won their softball division championship.  Through many hours, they conquered the diamond with dust, sweat and tears!  Ernie then competed in the SDA Brush Prarie Tournament and his team battled it out with 35 other teams and emerged the undefeated, undisputed champions!  The thing that made this first place trophy so sweet, if there is something more than just winning, was that Ernie’s mom, Carol was there to witness & cheer him on to victory!  What a sweet end to summer!

Other stuff...

Let’s face it, if you’re reading this portion of our newsletter you are an exceptional human being and friend!  Most people we know have given up reading and will never get this far.  Here is where we should bury the really juicy details of our lives.  Well...here’s what you get.  Abbey and her girls went to Jamaica in March for a week of sun, swimming and reggae!  They climbed Dunn’s River Falls, ate a ton of jerk chicken and lounged with beverages.    In April of this year Ernie was thrilled to participate in the Union College Warrior’s Weekend!  He was able to coach women's volleyball and play on the men’s basketball team.  He spent some time with family & friends too!  It was a highlight. Another highlight was Ernie adding Abbey to his Fantasy Football League.  Abbey surpassed all expectations and is hanging in there with the boys!  I think that’s it for our year. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your family this Christmas Season.  Love,
Ernie & Abbey Reynolds