Saturday, May 31, 2008

Berliner Days & PotsDam

Hello! Saturday was a whirlwind. Sleeping in was soooooooooooooo good! We awoke at 11:30 to the delicious smell of freshly baked necterine muffins! Thank you Kristen!
What an awesome chef! We prepared for the day and took a walk to the bank! (Our money is pretty much worthless now days :( so sad) and headed out for a walk around the neighborhood. It was about 80 degrees. WOW! First off we went to a farmer's market not too far from Kristen's home. They have a very beautiful home too! It's so nice to be staing with them! What a blessing! To be with great friends and to be blessed with their awesome hospitality! John had to be in Frankfurt today for a meeting so we missed him (and I'm sure he was lamenting going since we got into the house at 2am and he had to leave for the train at 5:30am!) The neighborhoods are so distinct here, especially depending on what was bombed and what was not in WWII. Its amazing how a war that was fought before my parents were even born could still leave pock marks on the face of Berlin today. Kristen was telling us that it is due in large part to the fact that we are staying in the Eastern part of the city that was under communist rule for so long. Some of the buildings still have bullet holes in them though they've been working stedily on fixing them since the wall came down. Well, back to our walking tour...We visited the cultural brewry that has been turned into a shopping area, cenema & teatre. Next we went to see Deietrich Bonhoeffer's church Zionkirkre but we couldn't go in because there was a concert in progress. We ate lunch back at Kristen's, yummy sandwices and veggies. We are soooooooooooo healthy! ;) After lunch we headed for Alexanderplatz where we looked at shops I loved, especially the huge department store, the Galleria that had a primo grocery store on the main level and then like Macy's 5 more levels of clothing, scoccer accessories, tourist shops, and more! I got some super cute knee high socks with bows on them. They sound ugly but they're super cute! We went across the way to C&A (like our Old Navy) and to the Alexa shopping center. There were some guys there in New England Patriot uniforms. But they looked too young and too little to really be on the team. Who knows? Take a look at this picture and tell me if you recognize any of these guys. We went for some gelato after the big shopping extravaganza (we didn't buy anything except for my socks) he he, we're such good girls! Walked to the park outside the T.V. Tower and sat in the shade by the fountain eating our gelato. It was nice and hot and we were glad to be out of the sun. Meanwhile a small boy 6 years old or so began frolicking though the fountain naked as can be with his mother standing there holding his clothing. This would not fly in our country. So being the sick person I am I took a picture. Okay so judge me but it was pretty stinkin' funny. We apparently did not look comfortable in the shade because two German young men came up to us and asked us if we would like to join them on top the Park Inn tower in Alexanderplatz to worship the sun with them. Apparently my eyes were saying to one of the gentlemen that I was desiring to go with them because they needed to be in couples. We thanked them and wished them luck in their seach telling them we were just fin situated in the shade. Oh being hit on by European men #1 & 2. We journeyed down to the Rathaus or City Hall to see the fountain there (no naked people, few!) and get our picture w/ the building. So many sights and so little daylight left. First the MarineKirkre cathedral like Anglican church impressed us with the huge pipe organ and large bapistry. Then we made our way toward the Spree River and took pictures of the Ampelmann statue (the little stop & go symbol in the east part of the city) and also took pictures of the Berliner Dome Church. We walked along the river and then headed home to an awesome dinner of a blackened chicken salad a la Kristen! We stayed up talking and waiting for Johnny to get home. Amy & I planned out a little bit more of our trip and didn't get to bed till 2am! Yikes! That's our exciting night life!


Today we went to John & Kristen's church. The worship was awesome!!! We sang 3 songs that Amy & I could sing along with in English:Blessed be Your NameEverlasting GodMeet with Me, followed by German songs we didn't know. Then we drove out to PotsDam to see the summer palaces in the rocco style. Very French. It was beautiful. Amy's friends from college who live in Cambridge, England came over to meet us and they spent the day with us. Nice couple, Ryan & Kelly. We walked in the hot and somewhat humid sun for like 4+ hours. It was over 80 degrees and humid. The grounds were lovely and picturesque. I felt like I should watch out for princes and princesses riding down the paths or see a hunting party in the woods. We left PotsDam around 5pm and made our way on the auto bahn (really just like our high ways but so cool that it was the auto bahn!) and came back to the apartment. Kristen made pizza dough and Amy's friends came over, joined us for dinner and we played a new game called Rage. We'll have to get it in the states. You'd like it. Guess who won??? ME!!! I was a good girl and not mean at all! I promise! We all took IB Profun tonight our muscles are sore!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow we're going to a museum, the Bradenburg gate, the wall & Check Point Charlie and out to dinner for our last day here. Then we're on to the south to Wittenburg, Erfurt, and Eisenact. There we'll do some of the Reformation stuff.

What an Adventure!

The End of Our London Story...

Kensington Park, one of my favorite parks in London. Maybe one of my favorite parts of the trip so far. We took a long walk down beautiful embasy row and into Kensington Park. We saw the palace...pretty. It's where Diana used to live. We visited Princess Diana's memorial a beautiful flowing stream in a circular pattern. We walked all the way through Kensington gardens, seeing Royal Albert Hall, the Prince Albert memorial, and into Hyde Park. We took the tube to see St. Paul's catherdral and walk across the melenium bridge to Shakespear's Globe theatre and we grabed lunch and became groundlings, standing in the yard for A Midsommer's Night's Dream. I think Shakespear may have been on heroin or something when he wrote that play. Not my favorite!!! We made our way back across the Mellenium bridge to the tube & quickly went to pick up our bags at the hotel, jump on the train to switch to the Gatwick Express at the Victoria station. We haulded our heavy bags around and made it on the train with blessed luggage racks. 30 min. later we got to Gatwick in the middle of nowhere. Why on earth do they call it London, Gatwick??? Stupid! I'm sorry, it makes me irritated! :{ Got all checked into our EasyJet flight to Berlin and then procceded to wait and wait and wait to get our departing gate. We ate dinner while we waited. Oreo Milkshakes. Don't judge me...we've walked like a thousand miles!!! We thought we deserved it! Gatwick airport (run by British Air) is the most inefficent airport I've ever been to! It took over 1.5 hrs. to get our gate listed. Our plane was late in landing and when our gate did get listed it was listed as "boarding now" for about 60 seconds before being listed as "boarding closed". We had to practically jog to make it to gate 111 from the main terminal. LAME! Two thumbs WAY DOWN for me! Then we proceeded to sit on the Tarmac for over 30 min. before takeoff. All the time poor John & Kristen were waiting for us in Berlin! So sad. Well, we eventually made it and then the Berlin airport only sent one bus to shuttle the entire flight to the airport. We just had to laugh at the funny things that happen when you travel. After customs there were sweet John & Kristen with hugs & love for us even though we were so late. God bless 'em! They navigated the train system for us so all we had to do was get off & on the train when told. Today we saw a million sights but seeing as it is almost midnight I'll tell you all about it in my blog tomorrow! I added new pictures to the London album & added a Berlin album. Check 'em out! Talk to you more tomorrow! Thanks for all the fun comments! Keep it up!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

London Adventure Day 2.5

Yes, we made it to London!

A 3 hour lay-over in Vancouver we flew over the pond (for 9 hours) and arrived a little tired and greasy in Heathrow. A 30 min. tube ride led us right to our little hotel. We are pleased with our awesome room, it is very European. Yes, we did get a bathroom, however, our room is smaller than most prison cells, it's 6'x10' with bunk beds. (It's smaller than my second bedroom @ home. Amy has to hop on her bed so I can make it through the door too. He he. I love travel!
We spent the afternoon exploring West Kensington (where we're staying) and searching for a power cord for Amy's computer. Our converter set is for small appliances and we forgot to check if it would work. So we checked at a local PC World on Kensington High Street and they referred us to a Queensway/Baywater computer flea market. Life is full of fun surprises. We found the flea market and after walking past many stalls full of all the drug paraphernalia you could ever need we found the computer section and for only 2.50 pounds she got the cord she needed (instead of the 50 pounds at PC World). We felt victorious! Back in West Kensington we ate at the 3 Kings pub...Fish & Chips, of course! Called it an early night. We're tired!

An organic picnic breakfast in Holland Park listening to birds sing (and I didn't hate them), the dogs barking, children playing! What a wonderful world it is. Tube ride to the British Museum to see one of the things on my Bucket List...the Egyptian collection! Amazing! When we arrived at the front steps, Amy said, "Let's go check something off your bucket list." How Cool!!!!
We thoroughly explored almost all the collections in the B.M. (for free, it's by donation, again very cool!) and sat on the steps to soak in some real sunshine! I bet you didn't even know the Brits knew what sun was like, but lo and behold we witnessed the sun! Ate lunch at a little cafe round the block at a table on the sidewalk and watched the Londoners scurry this way and that. Took the tube to Trafalgar Sq. to get our pictures taken with the infamous lions (I never did that the first time round) and visit the National Gallery (also free!) We stuck to mostly the impressionists but saw many other amazing works too!
We then took a stroll down the mall to Buckingham Palace and across St. James park. Religiously took pictures of Big Ben in all his glory and hustled to the tube, as it began to give us some of that famous London 'liquid sunshine'...Rain!
Back to the hotel to journal, blog, check e-mail, etc.
Tonight we're heading to Chicago at the Cambridge theatre! Let you know how it all goes!
Don't forget to check my pictures to see all the fun we're having!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

We're Off!

Well, my bag is packed. Passport located. Ready to head out on a whirl wind adventure through Europe! Can't wait to see Kristen & Johnny! So many last minute things to do! I'll keep you all posted on the adventures as often as possible (WiFi willing) and try not to miss you all too much! Please pray for Amy & me in our travels that we will have safety & meet lots of new friends everywhere we go! Don't forget to check into all our pictures too. See the 'My Links' section of this blog! Bon Voyage!