Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yotel London

Seeing as I never really finished this blog with my final London pictures I figured I would post some pictures of the most comfortable bed I slept in the WHOLE time I was in Europe. Yes, I am aware that it is more than a year after I actually went to Europe but forgive is indeed busy! Here's to sleeping in the airport & actually having a bed! Woo Hoo!

Our Yotel was created for people under 5'5" although, HAPPILY, our feet did not hang off the beds! They claimed to have wireless Internet, this was a lie. They claimed to have Internet on the TV, this was a lie. They said they could bring us food from any restaurant in the airport. This was also a LIE! The only place serving food as late as we were when we checked in was Starbucks (thank God for American companies) and so we got pre-made sandwiches & yogurts. We did however get a handicap accessible room so our bathroom/shower was twice the normal size of a yotel bathroom. The only issue is that the door is glass so be super sure of yourself and your bodily functions as you take a #2 in a glass room with a 6'x6' room next to you where your room mate is trapped. I now feel extra sorry for the animals at the zoo. We later (in the morning) found a curtain to close off the bathroom. A day late and a dollar short I guess. On to our mother land and home to my little dog! Few. Now you know THE REST OF THE STORY!