Sunday, December 6, 2009


Lovely American Daughters In Exodus South

Yes, we did it. The girls and I headed to Playa del Carmen, Mexico, with much enthusiasm and boisterous clamouring. We resided at the all inclusive Iberostar Resort. We were awed by the beautiful accomodations, mountains of food and drink and the azure waters the pristine white sandy beaches kissed.

I shall include some pictures and hope that they will convey the wonderous time we shared as Amy turned the young 3-0 and I celebrated my last girls trip unwed.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yotel London

Seeing as I never really finished this blog with my final London pictures I figured I would post some pictures of the most comfortable bed I slept in the WHOLE time I was in Europe. Yes, I am aware that it is more than a year after I actually went to Europe but forgive is indeed busy! Here's to sleeping in the airport & actually having a bed! Woo Hoo!

Our Yotel was created for people under 5'5" although, HAPPILY, our feet did not hang off the beds! They claimed to have wireless Internet, this was a lie. They claimed to have Internet on the TV, this was a lie. They said they could bring us food from any restaurant in the airport. This was also a LIE! The only place serving food as late as we were when we checked in was Starbucks (thank God for American companies) and so we got pre-made sandwiches & yogurts. We did however get a handicap accessible room so our bathroom/shower was twice the normal size of a yotel bathroom. The only issue is that the door is glass so be super sure of yourself and your bodily functions as you take a #2 in a glass room with a 6'x6' room next to you where your room mate is trapped. I now feel extra sorry for the animals at the zoo. We later (in the morning) found a curtain to close off the bathroom. A day late and a dollar short I guess. On to our mother land and home to my little dog! Few. Now you know THE REST OF THE STORY!